Jelissa Erin, Minnesota YardRink Owner Since 2023

Our town has two outdoor rinks that helped spark the love all five of our children have for skating outdoors. So much so that for years, our family built our own backyard rink despite the many challenges that popped up. We were limited to a box shape that does not play like a real rink, ripped tarps (we have gone through at least three!), and ice that doesn’t freeze properly. Then, an unexpected social media giveaway helped turn our backyard into the skating wonderland we always wanted. 

An Unexpected Backyard Rink Journey

After struggling for years trying to perfect our DIY backyard rink, discovering YardRink felt like fate. I follow Springfree Trampolines on social media and when I saw the giveaway partnership with YardRink I entered immediately never thinking I would win. Imagine my surprise when I did! I couldn’t wait to share the news with the rest of my family and start making skating memories in our backyard. 

I found YardRink’s easy setup process to be much smoother than the DIY projects we have done in the past. My son was so excited that he was out in the yard helping me set it up. 

Feels Like Playing in a Real Rink

One of the biggest benefits of the YardRink is that the tarp is on the outside and won't get cut up by skates, something we have definitely dealt with in the past. Another benefit is the design of the rink. Unlike the square rinks we are used to, YardRink has curved edges and is meant to play like a real rink which is a big deal for us especially since the pucks won't get stuck in the corner. 

As soon as the rink froze in November 2023, my kids are out skating on it every day. It’s a struggle to get them off it! They are out there all the time working on their skating and hockey skills and just having fun together. With a goalie in the family, he can work on his skills in the rink with his pads while the others work on their shooting skills. Sometimes I even find myself out on the ice with everyone. 

Years of Backyard Skating to Come 

With the fire pit and lawn chairs set up, we’re ready for family and friends to come over and enjoy the rink as much as we do. My kid’s hockey coach also wants to get on the ice, so there’s an open invitation for the entire team to join in on the fun. It’s only the beginning of the winter and we’re already thinking about how to make our backyard winter space even better next year – maybe even expanding the rink to make it bigger! 

Written by YardRink

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